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Julie Bishop The Voice

Julie Bishop Weighs In on Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum

Former Foreign Minister Calls for Support

Former Liberal foreign affairs minister Julie Bishop has thrown her support behind the upcoming referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Bishop has publicly declared her position on the matter, stating that a 'No' result would send a negative message to the world.

Potential Impact of 'No' Vote

Bishop believes that a 'No' vote in the referendum would be detrimental to Australia's reputation on the global stage. She argues that it would be seen as a rejection of reconciliation and a step backwards in the country's efforts to address its history of discrimination against Indigenous Australians.

Positive Step Forward

Bishop has emphasized that an Indigenous Voice to Parliament would be a positive step in the right direction. She believes that it would provide an avenue for Indigenous voices to be heard in decision-making that affects their lives and communities.

Call to Action

Bishop has urged Australians to support the referendum, stating that it is an opportunity to demonstrate unity and commitment to reconciliation. She has called on all parties to engage in respectful and constructive dialogue on the issue.
